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Davenport Parks and Recreation
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Davenport Parks and Recreation Administrative Offices
Parks and Recreation Events
Centennial Skate Park
Credit Island Park and Trail
Duck Creek Parkway Trail
Mississippi River Trail
Robin Creek Park - Off Road Trails
Sunderbruch Park - Off Road Trails
Davenport Soccer Complex
Junge Sand Volleyball Courts
Junge Softball Fields
Lindsay Park Softball Diamond
Prairie Heights Park - Miracle Field
Prairie Heights Park - Multi Sport Field
Davenport Junior Theatre
Fairmount Community Center
Fejervary Learning Center
Roosevelt Community Center
The River's Edge
Vander Veer Conservatory
Duck Creek Golf Course
Emeis Golf Course
Red Hawk Golf Course & Learning Center
Annie Wittenmyer Aquatic Center
Centennial Spray Park
Fejervary Aquatic Center
Dohse Spray and Play Park
Scott County Special Olympics Programs
Youth Sports Basketball Program
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